
The Wall Opens at Potsdamer Platz, West Berlin, 12 November 1989: A view inside the border strip [6/16]



November 11 1989
Berlin, Potsdamer Platz
Created By: Dagmar Lipper

License: Creative Commons License

A group of people in front of the West side of the Berlin Wall; two Trabant military vehicles on the patrol road in the border strip behind the Wall; a watchtower and the Hinterlandmauer (inner Eastern wall) in the background


Berlin Wall (West), Berlin Wall graffiti (writing), border strip, group of people, inner-Eastern Wall, military vehicle, Trabant (car), Wall graffiti, watchtower


Berlin Wall (West), border strip, crowd, curiosity, fall of the Berlin Wall, media, observation deck, opening of the border, sparkling wine


Border Troops of the GDR, police (FRG)


Postdamer Platz border crossing, Potsdamer Platz

Text in image

[Campaign to politically abolish] militarily imposed / [divisions toward the political integ]ration of homo sapiens / [for universal civil law and a world w]ithout a military / John Runnings der Mauerläufer

Kampagne für allgemeingültige Bürgerrechte und / eine Welt ohne Militär. Es gilt die militärisch bedingte / Teilung durch Bürgerrechte des Weltbürgers zu ersetzen.

Long Live Dalai Li.. / [T]his wall [...]

[...] mich alle nicht / verstanden!



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"We heard in the media about the opening of a new border crossing. Of course, we wanted to go see what would happen again. And we were not alone. The news of the Wall opening was enough to attract large numbers of onlookers. Typical Berlin! Just tell people there is something to see and they will go look. Those who managed to get a place on the West Berlin viewing platform could see over the Wall, where border soldiers were clearing the 'death strip' and preparing the new crossing. We also saw how the West Berlin police climbed onto the roofs of their paddy wagons to see for themselves, and they weren't the only ones. It must have been quite a strange situation for the border guards. After all, their task up to then had been to secure the border.

The bright colours on the Wall were in stark contrast to the threat it had once posed. And on the East Berlin side, beyond the cleared area and death strip, we could just about make out the former contours of Potsdamer Platz and Leipziger Platz. The buildings were gone but the streets were still there."

Dagmar Lipper (West-Berlin)